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5 Gannett Sites Finalists in ONA Awards Competition

TODAY at Brevard’s space team blog, “The Flame Trench,” and The Courier-Journal at Louisville’s examination of tragedies on the horse track were two of Gannett’s five finalists in the annual Online News Association awards competition. & Sun-Bulletin at Binghamton’s coverage of 14 people killed at a center serving immigrants and The Desert Sun at Palm Springs coverage of a gang sweep are finalists in the Breaking News, Small Site category. The Military Times is a finalist in the Specialty Site Journalism, Large Site category. Louisville is a finalist in the Multimedia Feature Presentation, Medium Site category, and Brevard is a finalist in the Online Topical Reporting/Blogging, Small Site category.

Winners will be announced Oct. 3 at the 2009 ONA Conference in San Francisco.

Last Modified September 2009