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President’s Rings Awarded by Gannett’s U.S. Community Publishing Division

McLEAN, VA – Bob Dickey, president of Gannett U.S. Community Publishing, today announced the recipients of USCP President’s Rings for outstanding performance during 2008. President’s Rings are the division’s top honor.

“This year’s honorees represent the best Gannett has to offer,” said Dickey. “Each and every one has performed consistently at the highest level despite the steep challenges Gannett and our industry have faced this year. I applaud them, and thank them most gratefully.”

Honorees this year include all the group directors in the four regional groups within the Publishing division. Additionally, Rings have been awarded to top performers in each of the disciplines within the division. Editor ring winners were announced earlier.

The group directors are:

East Group:

Circulation: Mike Kane, vice president/circulation (Wilmington, DE)
Finance: Don Lemire, vice president/finance (Wilmington, DE)
Human Resources: Dolores Pinto, vice president/human resources (Wilmington, DE)
Information Technology: Wayne Peragallo, vice president/information technology (Asbury Park, NJ)
Production/Operations: Antoinette Franceschini, vice president/production (Wilmington, DE)
Market Development: Greg Watson, group marketing director (Brevard, FL)

Interstate Group:

Circulation: Mike Huot, vice president/circulation (Louisville, KY)
Finance: Bruce Klink, vice president/finance and group controller (Indianapolis, IN)
Human Resources: Randi Austin, vice president/human resources (Louisville, KY)
Market Development: James Jackson, group marketing director (Cincinnati, OH)
Production/Operations: Bill Bolger, vice president/operations and information technology (Indianapolis, IN).

South Group:

Circulation: Bob Sutherland, vice president/circulation (Fort Myers, FL)
Finance: Matt Petro, vice president/administration (Fort Myers, FL)
Human Resources: Julie Lusk, human resources director (Brevard, FL)
Information Technology: Stacey Martin, vice president/operations (Nashville, TN)
Market Development: Bob Faricy, vice president/market development (Nashville, TN)
Production/Operations: Mike Monscour, vice president/operations (Fort Myers, FL)

West Group:

Circulation: Rick Bell, vice president/circulation (Des Moines, IA)
Finance: Julie Harvey, vice president/finance (Des Moines, IA)
Human Resources: Joyce Ray, vice president/human resources (Des Moines, IA)
Information Technology: Phil Legler, vice president/information technology (Des Moines, IA)
Market Development: Susan Patterson Plank, vice president/market development (Des Moines, IA)
Production/Operations: Larry Urrutia, vice president/production (Tucson, AZ)

Other winners, by discipline, are listed below. The top three award winners are ranked, others are not:


1. Blake Spivak, director/sales and marketing, Lafayette, LA (first-time winner)
2. Stan Howard, sales and marketing director, Sioux Falls/Reno (six-time winner)
3. Max Smith, advertising director, Great Falls, MT (first-time winner)

Laurie Bolle, advertising director, Manitowoc, WI (first-time winner)
Greg Bosetski, advertising director, Sheboygan, WI (first-time winner)
Dave Gould, vice president/advertising, Nashville, TN (six-time winner)
Carol Hahn, vice president/advertising, Cincinnati, OH (first-time winner)
Kevin Hall, vice president/advertising, Des Moines, IA (first-time winner)
Heather Kent, advertising manager, Murfreesboro, TN (first-time winner)
Patrick Peregrin, vice president/advertising, Indianapolis, IN (two-time winner)


1. Gary DiSanto, senior vice president/circulation, New Jersey Group (twelve-time winner)
2. Jay Winkler, vice president/circulation, Tallahassee/Nashville (four-time winner)
3. Joe Braunschweig, regional circulation director, East and Central Wisconsin (six-time winner)

Greg Castro, director marketing and consumer sales, Palm Springs, CA (four-time winner)
Mike Cusato, senior vice president/operations, Honolulu, HI (three-time winner)
Janet Hasson, senior vice president/audience development and strategy, Detroit MI (five-time winner, receives Chairman’s Ring)
Anthony Rapczynski, circulation director, Central New York (first-time winner)
Bryan Sturgeon, vice president/circulation, Indianapolis, IN (two-time winner)


1. Dave Wuertemberger, vice president/finance, Cincinnati, OH (four-time winner)
2. Chris Apel, vice president/finance and operations, Louisville, KY (first-time winner)
3. Scott LaFuria, controller, Tallahassee, FL (three-time winner)

Joyce Jenereaux, executive vice president, Detroit, MI (three-time winner)
Ernest Rodriguez, director/finance, Phoenix, AZ (five-time winner, receives Chairman’s Ring)
Randy Sutherland, controller, Poughkeepsie, NY (eight-time winner)
Greg Robinson, director/administration, Sioux Falls, SD (nine-time winner)
Mary Hanisee, controller, Shreveport, LA (first-time winner)
Eric Miller, finance director, Central New York (six-time winner)
Jerry Scobie, controller, director of operations, Salem, OR (first-time winner)

Human Resources:

1. Keith Bulling, vice president/human resources, Cincinnati, OH (five-time winner; will receive the Chairman’s Ring)
2. Kelly Acevedo, vice president/human resources, TNI Partners, Tucson, AZ (two-time winner)
3. Linda Baird, vice president /human resources, Rochester, NY (seven-time winner)

Melissa Alford, regional director/human resources, Lansing, MI (nine-time winner)
Kristi Bowden, vice president/human resources, Detroit, MI (two-time winner)
Deborah Payne, director/human resources, Springfield, MO (first-time winner)
Holly Severson, director/human resources, Pensacola, FL (first-time winner)
Ann Weinberg, vice president/human resources, Fort Myers, FL (six-time winner)
Maureen Zwicker, director human resources, Salem, OR (first-time winner)

Information Technology:

1. Martin Calhoun, information technology director, Pensacola, FL (first-time winner)
2. Jay Keller, information technology director, Central New York/Binghamton (six-time winner)
3. Cilla Trenado, information technology director, Gannett Louisiana/Shreveport (five-time winner, receives Chairman’s Ring)


1. Karen Crotchfelt, senior vice president, Phoenix, AZ (five-time winner, receives Chairman’s Ring)
2. Susan Schwartzkopf, vice president/market development and New Media, Greenville, SC (three-time winner)
3. Becca Boles, marketing director, Pensacola, FL (two-time winner)

John Kridelbaugh, vice president/market development and digital, Indianapolis, IN (three-time winner)
Darrell Lewis, marketing/circulation sales director, Springfield, MO (first-time winner)
Melinda Vonderahe, regional market development director, East and Central Wisconsin (first-time winner)


1. Chris Snider, assistant managing editor/digital, Des Moines, IA (first-time winner)
2. Mike Mika, vice president/new media, Wilmington, DE (six-time winner)
3. Martin Jelinek, online manager, Jackson, TN (first-time winner)

Tom Rothrock, digital sales and online manager, Muncie, IN (first-time winner)
Ruth Niermeyer, regional online director, Appleton, WI (four-time winner)
Cindy Jarvis, online director, Binghamton, NY (two-time winner)


1. Tom Tate, operations director, Springfield, MO (three-time winner)
2. Bill Taylor, operations director, Tallahassee, FL (two-time winner)
3. Kevin Crane, production director, Central New York (two-time winner)

Jody Hook, director/production, Lansing, MI (two-time winner)
Bob Kotwasinski, vice president/production, Phoenix, AZ (four-time winner)
Keith Pierce, senior vice president/operations, Detroit, MI (seven-time winner)
Barbara Rosenberger, production director, Fond du Lac, WI (first-time winner)
Jack Roth, vice president/production, Freehold, NJ (two-time winner)
Ron Siemering, director/ operations, Jackson, TN (two-time winner)
John Vizzini, operations director, Brevard, FL (two-time winner)

Judges for the President’s Ring contest were Dickey; Gannett Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer Craig Dubow; Roxanne Horning, senior vice president of Human Resources; Mark Morneau, vice president/Information Technology; Evan Ray, senior vice president of finance and operations, U.S. Community Publishing; and Chris Saridakis, senior vice president and chief digital officer.

About Gannett
Gannett (NYSE: GCI) is an international news and information company operating on multiple platforms including the Internet, mobile, newspapers, magazines and TV stations. Gannett is an Internet leader with hundreds of newspaper and TV Web sites;, the nation’s top employment site;; and more than 80 local sites. Gannett publishes 84 daily U.S. newspapers, including USA TODAY, the nation’s largest-selling daily newspaper, and more than 850 magazines and other non-dailies including USA WEEKEND. Gannett also operates 23 television stations in 19 U.S. markets. Gannett subsidiary Newsquest is the United Kingdom’s second largest regional newspaper company with 17 daily paid-for titles, more than 200 weekly newspapers, magazines and trade publications and a network of Web sites.

For inquiries:
Tara Connell