Press Releases

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For immediate release

Seeking Feedback on NEWS WATCH

We want to hear from you.

We’re looking for feedback on how to make NEWS WATCH as effective as possible for Information Center staffers.㄀

Each week, the Corporate News Department uses NEWS WATCH to salute good journalism, shine a spotlight on innovation, communicate key messages and report news.

Given that array of content, we want to know what works for you and what other types of information you would like to see. What content would be helpful? What content doesn’t work for you?

We also want to determine whether a different frequency of distribution should be considered. Does the once-a-week frequency work? What type of schedule would work better for you?

NEWS WATCH is hosted on the Web site, which means it is available to anyone who wants to access it. The Information Center Web site also links to each issue. Should we consider delivering NEWS WATCH using some other technique? What approach would be most helpful?

We want the feedback of all who regularly read NEWS WATCH, as well as those who might be interested in some new type of information.㄀

As we experiment, we want to use a new tool – the Information Center blog on the Information Center Web site. The site is accessible from all Gannett locations or from computers with a Gannett VPN connection. This approach will allow posters to comment on other ideas that are being shared.

If you prefer to offer a confidential comment, you can send that to Ann Clark, news executive, or Kate Marymont, vice president/News.

Our ultimate goal is to provide the most helpful information possible to our editors and Information Centers.

We look forward to hearing from you.

— Ann Clark

Last Modified: February 2009