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Stephen Reynolds Has Been Named President and Publisher of the Times in Gainesville, Ga.

ARLINGTON, Va. — Stephen B. Reynolds has been named president and publisher of The Times in Gainesville, Ga., it was announced today by the Newspaper Division of Gannett.

Reynolds previously held a similar post at The Marietta (Ohio) Times. He succeeds Chris E. Jensen, who was earlier was named president and publisher of The Advertiser in Lafayette, La.

“Stephen has demonstrated his skills as a newspaper executive,” said Gary L. Watson. “It’s appropriate that he assume this additional responsibility.”

Reynolds joined USA TODAY in 1986. He served in circulation sales and as circulation manager in Milwaukee before being named general manager in Philadelphia in 1991. He joined The Marietta Times in 1996.

Gannett Co., Inc. is an international news and information company that publishes 99 daily newspapers in the USA, including USA TODAY, the nation’s largest-selling daily newspaper. The company also owns in excess of 300 non-daily publications in the USA and USA WEEKEND, a weekly newspaper magazine. In the United Kingdom, Gannett subsidiary Newsquest plc publishes nearly 300 titles, including 15 daily newspapers. Gannett also operates 22 television stations in the United States and is an Internet leader with sites sponsored by most of its TV stations and newspapers including, one of the most popular news sites on the Web.